Tim Robson

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Mick Taylor and Tim Robson


Occasionally I look through the analytics of my website. I've also recently signed up to Hotjar which provides free analytics for small scale sites like this. And what do I conclude?

More people are coming to this site month on month. I'm breaking internally records frequently. It's gratifying to know that my work (my huge body of work) is being read by more and more people. And people from all over the world (I'm big in Indonesia - who knew?).

BUT YOU'RE ALL READING ONE FUCKING ARTICLE !!! Mick Taylor and that guitar solo.

It's like Chuck Berry writing the genre defining rock songs but having his largest hit with 'My Ding-A-Ling'. 

Come on people, I'm better than this! I write about stuff, you know.

- Rock music

- Roman History

- Modern Dating

- Architecture

- Me

- And yeah - Mick Taylor in the Stones a couple of times.

I get that Mick Taylor's great. He is. Why else would I write about him? But FFS! I'm more than the sum of my Mick Taylor articles.

Yeah. Chasing my audience away with a shitty stick. I'm an artist, dammit.