Tim Robson

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Tim Robson - Top Posts 2017

Tim Robson - self regarding 2017

(In which Tim babbles about his year in blogs, talks website statistics and - like some jaded good-time girl - tries to understand your preferences)

- What is it with South East Asia and porn?

- What was my theory about Tom Petty’s culpability in the death of Gene Clark?

- What has Wandsworth Council been doing in 2017 to piss away taxpayers’ money?

- What got Tim so upset with Sky in April that the blog literally fell off the rails under the weight of forced anal rape metaphors?

- Why did I post a video of American Trilogy on 21st January?

- And who the fuck lives in Didcot Oxfordshire whose idea of a guilty pleasure is night in with a whisky, some rabbit fur and a long, luxurious  read of this blog?

And who knows when and how to get out of the ever convenient but ever bereft list format style of writing?

Questions. Questions.

So, 2017, almost over, probably not lamented, certainly not celebrated, a prophet without honour even within its own fading span. Blog-wise, where did we go? Did we progress? Did we solve any conundrums, right any wrongs, add one iota to the sum of human knowledge?

To answer this, let me remind you of an old story. Do you remember the one where – unseen – a mouse is fucking an elephant in the arse when the elephant inadvertently stands on a thorn and lets out a great howl of pain and the mouse – still pumping away - shouts, “Yeah, take it bitch!

I’m not exactly sure what the point of that story was. Am I the mouse? Are you the elephant? Who knows? Sometimes my ways are unknowable, my motives inscrutable, my metaphors a jammed rifle that backfires like some madcap 1940’s cartoon.

Anyway – let me attempt lucidity… I’ve been analysing the traffic stats of this site, and on every measurable scale, 2017 was the year this blog entered the big time, broke all records and had more readers than ever. Thank you all for coming here, even if you only read one article.

As I’ve grumbled here once or twice, my average demographic is probably some middle-aged guy, in his mum’s basement in Lubbock Texas, turning to fat, drinking some bourbon, listening to golden era Stones and, in between accessing niche interest porn, reading my articles about Mick Taylor.

Mick Taylor. Mick Fucking Taylor. I guess I’m gonna have to continually be ‘The Mick Taylor Guy’. By far most of the traffic that comes to this site is directed at the two Mick Taylor articles I've written. If only I could think of a way to monetarise your interest, I’d be rich. If I charged a mere $1 for a sneak-peak at my Mick Taylor articles, I’d have amassed, I dunno, a few hundred bucks by now.

Anyway, here is my list of my favourite blog posts in 2017. It's a good way to ease yourself into my muse.


Tom Petty and the Death of Gene Clark

Inevitable Unions

Mick Taylor Street Fighting Guitarist

Whispers and Echoes

How to Troll

Things I know longer give a fuck about – dancing

Lavender Hill

A Solipsism Too Far

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Next, I'll go through my favourite moments of 2017 and my favourite songs. But for now, let me leave you with:-