Tim Robson

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Tony Blair, Re-appearing Chimneys and Knee Breeches.

I look out my window and see Battersea Power Station sporting four chimneys. I can remember last year when there was just one. In between I remember there being two and then, some time afterwards, three. Chimneys; they come, they go. 

It's an exciting observation and I wanted to share it with you - fellow students of urban architecture.

Back when I had hair and the world was younger and kinder, I did a Masters Degree in some real estate related subject. Some right-on professor who put the tosser in the phrase 'complete tosser' was jerking off about the evils of worshipping buildings. Apparently, everything in the urban environment should be new, anything 'old' knocked down when a new fad comes into view. No idols. No memories. No sentimentalism. He was Corbusier's idiot son.

Architectural and cultural vandalism was very a-la-mode in the 90's. Remember that dickhead Blair ludicrously waffling about Britain being 'a Young Country'? Scrapping the Lord Chancellor's office because it was symbolised by wigs and knee breeches? He should have been impeached just for that particular stupid action. Let alone the illegal wars. 

Professor Tosser would look out from his ivory tower on Wandsworth Rd and pontificate on the built environment he could see. BTW,  I use the term 'ivory tower' loosely. It's more like a concrete tower. And the University building is now a Tesco Express which seems appropriate and very modish somehow. The Prof would riff on the poverty of Battersea around him and the ridiculousness of preserving that great white elephant - Battersea Power Station. A cesspit of chemicals, pollution and redundant bricks. 

But, it remained. And remains. Though redeveloped it still maintains its facia. The bricks. It's dominance and, yes - count them! - it's four chimneys. As Bruce says:-





Four chimneys August 2017

Three Chimneys Feb 2017

One Chimney Spring 2016